Visual Identity

Desperta Da Amazônia

Associação Desperta da Amazônia is a non-profit Brazilian association located in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. The association’s activities are characterized by their philanthropic, assistance, promotional, recreational, and educational nature, without any partisan affiliations.


  • Fan Shape: This element represents both the sun and awakening.
  • Pattern: The pattern symbolizes both leaves and the feathers of indigenous headdresses.
  • Mutual Help and Awakening: The logo embodies the association’s values, which are mutual help and the preservation of Amazonian life.


Desilha is a research project on art and the city. It originated in the graduate program in visual arts at UFRJ, PPGAV-EBA-UFRJ, located on Fundão Island, Rio de Janeiro. Taking the city as a stage for constructing narratives contrary to academic normativity, DESILHA invites dialogue and encounters between people and places.


  • Colors: This palette uses the colors found in the Brazilian national flag.
  • Pattern: The pattern symbolizes the speaker with the face, ideas with the yellow speech bubble, and the connection to multidisciplinary arts with the intertwining curves.
  • Mutual Help and Awakening: The logo embodies the project’s values of exchange, openness, and diversity.


INTERSONHOS is an association founded by Brazilian and French citizens concerned with the development of training and education initiatives aimed at Brazilian youth. We aim to actively participate in developing the skills of youth workers.


  • Colors: This palette uses the colors found in the Brazilian national flag.
  • Pattern: The pattern symbolizes exchange, diversity, and evolution.
  • Mutual Help and Awakening: The logo embodies the project’s values of exchange, openness, and diversity.

Secret Portugal

Secret Portugal, a branch of the Mon Lisbon agency, specializes in providing unique and authentic discoveries of Portugal. Founded by Lisbon enthusiasts, the agency offers bespoke experiences that go far beyond the usual tourist circuits.


  • Style: The appearance resembles the Mon Lisbon logo with its vintage impression style.
  • Pattern: Each key symbolizes the various destinations offered by the agency. For example, for Lisbon, you can see the Belem Tower cutout, for the Azores, the volcanoes, and for Alentejo, the cliffs shaped by erosion, etc.
  • The Key to Discoveries: The logo embodies the agency’s values, which are discovery, secrecy, and authenticity.

Don't follow me i'm lost too

Don’t Follow Me I’m Lost Too is a travel blog that shares my different journeys, experiences, videos, and photos. The goal was to have a logo that reflects my personality and breaks away from the usual patterns of travel blog logos.


  • Badge Shape: This element allows the logo to be integrated into any medium and provides unlimited customization possibilities.
  • Pattern: The pattern symbolizes a death’s-head hawkmoth.

Client Testimonials

“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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